Forum Poster
Forum Poster 3.30 – You can use it to reply or post automatically on your forums. In addition it can register all of your users easily. You can also need to add username, password and email. It can also make you login as register user.
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Password : | Status : Tested
Important Features:
- It can also allow you to reply all of the messages on the forum. You can add posts in just one simple click. It can also allow you to delete, export/import or edit your posts.
- You can also use it to grow your website traffic. It can also allow you to post different ads on your forum. You can attract unlimited users or visitors to your forum by the help of these ads.
- It can work automatically. It can also help you rank number one on different popular search engines. You can also use it to reply on your board as user. It can also help you increase your income.