WP Auction
WP Auction– It can help you in make different auctions. Hence you can host best auctions. It can also help you in getting high bids. You can also make more money with it in just few days. You can also upload in within few seconds. It can take a second to activate and work.
Download: Link
Password : | Status : Tested
Author / Product: http://www.wpauctions.com
Important Features:
- You can set up it in just few seconds. You can simply download and upload it. It can start working after activation.
- You can manage all of bids from Admin panel. It can also keep you on track with all the highest and lowest bids. You can also use it to send out-bid messages to users.
- It can also help you in selling all kinds of physical as well as digital stuff. You can also manage, add and edit all of your products.
- You can also set auction categories to your products. It also includes amazing features with which you can change colors.