Power Full SEO tool Turbo SEO Analyzer
You can use it for optimization as well as reviewing your site. However you can use it to collect SEO statistics easily. It can also provide you with WHOIS info, Google page rank, Alexa rank and many other statistics sites reports. You can find it easy to use along with ajax. You can also download your reports in PDF files SEO Analyzer.
Download : here
Sales Site : http://codecanyon.net/item/turbo-seo-analyzer/8037745
Important Features Turbo SEO Analyzer:
- It contains Social statistics checker. I can show you full report of your statistics.
- It can save lots of time of loading. I also supports multi-languages.
- You can also use it to add contact page to your site.
- It can also provides you with list of suggestions while working on meta tags.
- It also provides you with security. I also includes website antivirus.
- I comprises of strong admin panel from where you can customize it. It can also show you user history.
- It also supports Google Analytics.