Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.3.7 Lifetime updates for Unlimited Sites

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Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.3.7 Lifetime updates for Unlimited Sites

Advanced Custom Fields Pro

You can add some powerful functionality to your website by the help of Advanced Custom Fields Pro plug-in. Basically it comprises of four different features which includes Repeater Field, Gallery Field, Flexible Content Field and Options Pages. 

Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.3.7 Lifetime updates for Unlimited Sites

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Repeater Fields: 

You can now create as well as manage your data easily. You can use it to create sub fields in order to repeat again and again while editing. It allows you to add any type of sub field.

Gallery Fields:

You can use Gallery Fields to add, sort or edit your images. Moreover it provides you with amazing interface where you can manage your images.

Flexible Content Fields:

You can use it to create highly customized content. It provides you with powerful content manager. You can use it to define sub fields groups while you can edit, re-order or add them.

Option Pages:

However it works best for header and footer. It comprises of some powerful functions. Basically you can use it to add extra admin pages. Above all it will save your data as global and display on your whole website.

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