Destroy Windows 10 Spying [DWS Lite] 1.6 Final Latest is Here!

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Destroy Windows 10 Spying

Destroy Windows 10 Spying – Destroy Windows 10 Spying 1.6 Final is a powerful portable software to day upload by Hit2k admin that can block and stop Windows 10 from spying on you. DWS Lite is a  very simple and tiny software free and latest version only hit2k that can block anonymous data being sent by windows 10 crack. It can securely remove Windows 10 metro apps that can not be removed using standard uninstaller just a one Click and start now (Program and Features and more  tools coming soon) such as Mail, Maps, Calendar, Film TV, 3D Builder, Camera, Photos, and so on. In additions,

Key features

  1. ||==Very fast and easy to use..
  2. ||==Removes Windows 10 metro apps..
  3. ||==Disable private setrings..
  4. ||==Disable windows defender..
  5. ||==Remove keylogger and telemetry..
  6. ||==Disable spy apps and tasks…
  7. ||==Support all editions of Windows 10..

How to install?

  1. ||==Disable your anti virus (for temporary)..
  2. ||==Run (as admin) the software (DWS Lite)..
  3. ||==Click on “Destroy Windows 10 Spying”#..
  4. ||==#Other options found on “Settings” tab..
  5. ||==Enjoy Windows 10 without Spying..

Minimum Requirements

  • ||==Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)..
  • ||==No special requirements..




DWS-Lite-1.6-Final (79 Kb)| Links-2 Links-3

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