Windows 10 Login Theme Changer 1.0 Latest 2015
Windows 10 Login Theme Changer 1.0 is a type of Tweak the appropriate name would we have been able to understand the purpose and function. Yups Windows 10 Login Theme Changer has the latest 1.0 as a function of tweaks that are specially made for Windows 10 so that we can change the Logo Key / Lock computer according to the pictures we wanted.
What could be refunded if the Lock Screen image is converted by Windows 10’s Login Theme Changer 1.0? The answer, it could. We can turn to dafult anytime just by doing Click the Revert button in the advanced menu.
We can change the look or image lock screen freely as what we want.
Download: Windows 10 Login Theme Changer 1.0
Note: All image types are accepted.
- Color palette
- Color Selector
- Silent switches for Disable / Enable User Login Picture
- Updated GUI
- Auto resize / crop for image selection
- Option – download default priority for backup / revert (available in options)
- Option – select pictures to disable user accounts
- Save selected color to the JPEG file
- Restore pri switch
- Disable / Enable User Login Picture
- Silent switch for PRI image
NEW: - Apply to the lockscreen – added option (open personalize / lockscreen)
- Image converter (will preserve the aspect ratio)
- Apply to desktop
- You can use the Save PRI to replace a corrupt PRI file
Requirements: - OS: Windows 10
- .NET4.0