New Day Release, Apple IOS 9 ACHIEVE MORE THAN 10%

Apple IOS 9


Apple recently released iOS adoption of the report 8. In his latest report, Apple said iOS adoption 8 ahead of the release of Apple IOS 9 has reached 87%. With the release of IOS 9 yesterday, now you might ask how the adoption of the latest Apple operating system.

Apple has not released a report on the adoption of iOS 9. However, according to an analysis of Mixpanel, the adoption of the IOS 9 has now reached 10.9%. This means that one in ten iOS devices scattered around the world already running on iOS 9. Unfortunately, Mixpanel can not show image analysis results iOS adoption 9.

If the analysis is accurate, then at least could be a sign that the adoption of the IOS 9 is quite good. Given the newly released iOS 9 yesterday (Wednesday, September 16), so the adoption of the IOS 9 which is just one day reaching 10.9% is not a bad achievement. So, what if compared to iOS adoption 8 last year.

According Mixpanel, 8 early adoption IOS release running better than iOS adoption 9. It is said, the adoption of iOS 8 to reach 14% within 24 hours, while the adoption of iOS only reached 10.9% in the same time frame. After all, at the beginning of the release of IOS 9 is not marred much of a problem as the early release of iOS 8.

Outside the slow adoption of IOS 9, Apple’s latest operating system offers a multitude of new features. A multitude of new features include increased Siri, the application Note and search features. Like Cortana, Siri can remind agenda now recorded in the calendar. 9 IOS Notes application allows to create a checklist, draw a sketch and add attachments. IOS 9 Split View also carries features and improved performance and battery life.

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